Who Invented Orbeez: History, Creation, & Usage
Just like any other phenomena in the world, orbeez were also invented by someone. These tiny water beads did not come into existent on their own and were a product of huge result and effort.
Many wonder how did these tiny water beads came into existent. Who invented orbeez and what was the basic purpose of their existence.
To find answers to these questions, we will talk about who invented orbeez and what is the basic reason behind their popularity.
When Were Orbeez Invented?
The history of invention of orbeez dates back to 1960’s when when they were first used for agricultural purposed. Their water retention properties were appreciated by United States departmetns of agriculture (USDA) who used them to irrigate crops during drought.
To this day orbeez are used in plants for irrigation purpose. Even in the latest modes of irrigations, their water absorbing natures is highly acclaimed and has resulted in benefits for the farmers too.
About Maya Toys – The Company Behind Orbeez
Maya toys, the company which launched orbeez is an onnovative leader within the toy industry. The company is highly famous for it’s award winning Orbeez brand.
Over the scope of history the compnay has earned a reputations fo applying latest technology on toys for kids and merge trending themes with the play pattern of kids. These new techniques have also resulted in the growing popularity for orbeez guns today.
Orbeez as a Children Entertainment
The Maya group of corporations developed and produced orbeez but they were sold to the spin master which is another global childrens entertainment company. Maya compnay made orbeez for the first time in 2009 but it really popularity from 2018 and in 2021/2022.
What is Inside Orbeez?
Inside the orbeez are synthetic polymer that shrink and are filled with air in the absence of water. However, when soaked in water, orbeez fills it’s network of molecules creating beads.
you can soak orbeez overnightin water in order to let them grow to their maximum side.
Who Invented Orbeez?
Tali Ben-Ezer and Orbe Ben-Ezer, the co-founders of Maya Toys invented Orbeez. Currently working as the Vice presidents of Public Relations fo Toys, a company she co-founded with her husbdan in 1992.

Tali had earned her bachelors degree in Psychology from Bar-Ilan university in Israel ad her Masters degree in Advertising and Marketing from the Medil School of Journalism at Northwestern Universty.
Tali ben Ezer founded Maya Toys, the company behind Orbeez in 1992 in a New York City apartment and named it after their daughter Maya.
How Did Orbeez Become so Popular?
The usage of orbeez in multiple field resutled in their increasing popularity. These usage includes:
Used in Indoor Plants
Orbeez can be used in place of soil to water indoor plants. This type of usage help in keep the indoor environment clean and also ensuring equal proportion of water is being provided to them.
Candle Holder
One interesting usage of orbeez is as a candle holder. You can do this by filing a short glass vase and add a long taper candle. Also, you can add Orbeez and water to a large vase and then place a gloating cadle on top.
Flower Holder
You can also use orbeez as a flower holder. The colorful aura of orbeez can give further enhance the colors of the room. You can also insert a ligth buld inside to make them look bright.
Stress Relieving Agent
Orbeez are also used as a stress ball. The theuropactic nature of the ball has worked as a stress releasing agents for number of people. This property of orbeez has significantly increased it’s popularity.
Baby Products
You migt be intrigued to find out that orbeez are also used in babies nappies in order to keep them dry. This soaking ability of orbeez has gained popularity where it is also used as a dehydrating agent to keep moisture away from the product.
Spa Treatment
Orbeez have also become popular for spa treatments. The soft beads provides a relaxing feel to the user and thus are used by many for spa purpose.
The invention of orbeez has not doubt provided humanity with a new form of entertainment. The invention of Tali Ben-Ezer and Orbe Ben-Ezer to this day holds a primordial importance since they represent a new event in history of toy gun.
With each day, the usage of orbeez is increasing and people are finding new ways to make the most of these gel beads.