are orbeez toxic for dogs

Are Orbeez Toxic for Dogs – Let’s Answer It

Dogs are considered a man’s best friend for a long time. Over the years, the different outdoor games have involved them at multitude levels. From tennis balls to frisbie, dogs have not only become an integral part of our lives but also help us with multitude of things. But our best friend can usually become a part of our orbeez entertainment and end swallowing on of these creating a panic situation. What if these orbeez are toxic? Or will these orbeez end up hurting our pet animal?

Simply, just like multitude of people confirming about the safety of these orbeez, you might also wonder are orbeez balls toxic for dogs or they are safe?To help you understand health repercussion of orbeez, we’ll talk in depth about:

  • Are orbeez toxic for dogs?
  • What to do if you dog accidently ate orbeez?
  • Can you play with your dog with orbeez around?

You might be in a tensed situation if your dog has already eaten orbeez. So without further ado, let’s begin.

What are Orbeez Made Of?

Orbeez also known as gel beads are chemically composed of sodium polyacrylate which is a non-toxic polymer that is used in personal hygiene products. Moreover, an orbeez soaked in water also contain other elements. Apart from them, orbeez also contain food-grade color

Are Orbeez Dangerous for Dogs?

If your dog has ingested orbeez, unfortunately, there is bad news for you. If your dog has ingested or consumed orbeez, they can pose a serious risk to dogs. Such a risk is caused by their size and other chemical composition.

Here’re are few risk which orbeez pose to dogs:

are orbeez toxic for animals

Chocking Hazards

Due to their size, Orbeez poses a major risk of chocking for the animal. These water beads can increase to up to 7mm when fully expanded causes a major risk for dog when ingested.

If a dog swallows an Orbeez and unfortunately, the bead gets lodged in its throat, it may obstruct in airway and cause difficulty in breathing. If you see yor dog struggling to breathe, coughing, or even gagging after swalling or coming into contact with Orbeez, it high time to seek veterinary care.

Ingestion Risk

Dogs who consume Orbeez run the risk of developing intestinal obstruction. Although these water beads are considered non toxic to dog, however, thet can cause blockages in the dogs digestive system.

In the stomach and intestines, the beads may enlarge, creating a potentially dangerous situation that needs to be attended to by a veterinarian right away.

Chemical Concerns

Although Orbeez’s ingredients are usually harmless for humans, dogs might not feel the same way. The chemicals in these beads may cause gastrointestinal problems or allergic reactions in certain pets.

Symptoms that Your Dog has Ingested Orbeez?

Gastrointestinal Symptoms

Vomiting: One of the primary indicators of Orbeez ingestion in dogs is vomiting. The water-absorbing nature of these polymer balls can lead to irritation in the stomach, triggering the dog to vomit as the body attempts to expel the foreign substance.

Diarrhea: Orbeez can cause gastrointestinal upset, resulting in diarrhea. The presence of these water-absorbent beads in the digestive tract can disrupt the normal digestive process and lead to loose or watery stools.

Abdominal Pain or Bloating: Dogs may experience abdominal discomfort or bloating as a consequence of Orbeez ingestion. The beads’ expansion in the stomach and intestines can create pressure, causing pain and distension.


Weakness and Sluggishness: The obstruction caused by Orbeez in the intestines can impede the normal passage of food. This can lead to a lack of proper nutrition absorption, resulting in weakness and sluggishness in affected dogs.


Reduced Fluid Levels: As Orbeez absorb water from the stomach and intestines, dogs may experience dehydration. Symptoms of dehydration include sunken eyes, dry gums, lethargy, and a loss of skin elasticity. Prompt attention is crucial to address this potentially serious condition.

What Should You Do If You Dog Accidenly Ingests Orbeez?

Keep Calm and Assess the Situation

Discovering that your dog has swallowed Orbeez can be alarming, but it’s essential to stay calm. Take a moment to assess the situation and observe your dog for any signs of distress or discomfort.

Monitor for Symptoms

Keep a close eye on your dog for symptoms such as vomiting, excessive drooling, abdominal pain, or loss of appetite. These signs could indicate an obstruction and require prompt attention.

Encourage Water Intake

Offer your dog water to help hydrate them. Adequate hydration can assist in the smooth passage of the Orbeez through their digestive system. This step can be particularly helpful if the beads haven’t expanded significantly yet.

Do Not Induce Vomiting

While inducing vomiting is a common response to ingestion, it’s crucial not to do so without guidance from a veterinarian. In some cases, attempting to induce vomiting can cause more harm than good.

Seeking Veterinary Care

Call Your Veterinarian: If your dog exhibits any concerning symptoms or if you’re uncertain about the severity of the situation, contact your vet immediately. They can provide guidance on the next steps and determine if an in-person examination is necessary.

Provide Relevant Information

When speaking with your veterinarian, be prepared to share information about the number of Orbeez ingested, if known, and any specific symptoms your dog is experiencing. This information will assist the vet in making an accurate assessment.

Prepare for Possible Treatment

Depending on the severity of the situation, your veterinarian may recommend diagnostic measures such as an X-ray to determine the location and size of the obstruction. In more critical cases, surgical intervention might be necessary to safely remove the Orbeez and alleviate the potential risks.

Preventive Measures

To ensure the safety of your furry friend, it’s essential to take preventive measures when Orbeez are present in your home:

Keep Out of Reach

Store Orbeez and similar items in a location that is inaccessible to your dog. High shelves or sealed containers can prevent accidental ingestion.

Supervise Playtime

If you decide to use Orbeez for sensory play or decoration, make sure to supervise your dog closely. Remove any stray beads and discourage chewing or playing with them.

Choose Pet-Friendly Alternatives

Consider using pet-friendly toys and accessories instead of Orbeez to avoid potential risks altogether. Opt for items specifically designed for dogs to ensure their safety.


Taking swift and appropriate action is crucial when your dog ingests Orbeez. By staying calm, monitoring for symptoms, and seeking prompt veterinary care, you can safeguard your pet’s well-being and ensure they receive the necessary treatment to address any potential complications.


The polymer - the component of which orbeez are made up of - are toxic for humans as well. According to research, the can cause stomach problems to humans.


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