how to fix a jammed orbeez gun

How to Fix a Jammed Orbeez Gun – Techniques, Maintenance, & Tips

Orbeez guns have become a staple in the world of children’s toys, captivating young minds with their vibrant colours and soft gel bead ammunition. However, like any cherished toy, they might encounter occasional glitches, such as annoying jams, disrupting playtime and causing frustration. And fixing a jammed orbeez gun might become necessarily. Understanding how to resolve these issues becomes paramount in ensuring continuous play and extending the longevity of the toy. 

In this comprehensive guide, we will look into the workings of Orbeez guns, providing step-by-step instructions on how to effectively troubleshoot and fix jams. By understanding the mechanics behind these toys and implementing proper maintenance techniques, you can ensure smooth operation and prolong the enjoyment they bring.

Understanding Orbeez Guns

For the people who love Orbeez guns, moments of excitement can be interrupted by frustrating jams. To effectively troubleshoot jamming issues with Orbeez guns, it’s essential to understand their design and functionality. Orbeez guns operate on the principle of air pressure, these guns propel soft gel beads when the trigger is squeezed. However, jams can occur due to 

  • improper loading techniques, 
  • debris accumulation, 
  • or mechanical glitches

Ensuring Orbeez beads are loaded correctly and regularly cleaning the gun’s barrel and internal components can mitigate these issues. Additionally, inspecting for mechanical issues and following proper maintenance practices, such as storing the gun in a clean, dry environment, can prevent jams and optimise performance. By understanding these factors and taking proactive measures, enthusiasts can enjoy uninterrupted fun with their Orbeez guns.

Step-by-Step Guide On How to Fix a Jammed Orbeez Gun

Safety Precautions

Before starting the task of  how to fix a jammed Orbeez gun, it’s essential to prioritise safety to ensure a smooth and hazard-free repair process. Like any repairing process involving toys or tools, taking precautionary measures can ensure a successful outcome. Here are some tips on how to safely address a jammed Orbeez gun for maximising effectiveness:

Unload the Gun

Before attempting any repairs, ensure that the Orbeez gun is completely unloaded. Remove any remaining Orbeez beads from the chamber to prevent accidental firing or further complications during the troubleshooting process.

Depressurize the Gun

If your Orbeez gun operates using air pressure, take measures to depressurize it before proceeding with any repairs. This may involve releasing any built-up pressure by firing the gun in a safe direction or by following specific depressurization instructions outlined in the user manual.

Handle with Caution

Treat the Orbeez gun as you would any other potentially hazardous tool or toy. Handle it with caution and care to avoid accidental injuries or damage to the gun or surrounding objects.

By prioritising safety and taking these precautionary measures before beginning any repair, you can ensure a safe and effective troubleshooting process of how to fix a jammed orbeez gun.

Also Read: Why is My Orbeez Gun not Working

Identifying the Jam

Begin the troubleshooting process by carefully inspecting your Orbeez gun to locate the source of the jam. Take note of whether the jam is confined to the chamber or if it extends into the barrel. By discerning the precise location of the obstruction, whether it’s a misaligned Orbeez bead or debris accumulation, we can tailor our approach accordingly. This initial assessment will guide our next steps in safely and effectively resolving the issue

Clearing the Jam

When facing the challenge of a jammed Orbeez gun, the initial and critical step is to safely remove the obstruction hindering its operation. Whether it’s Orbeez beads stubbornly lodged within the chamber or an obstacle obstructing the barrel, knowing how to fix a jammed Orbeez gun promptly is vital to restoring its functionality. By proactively addressing the jam, you not only prevent further complications but also ensure uninterrupted playtime. Following are some effective strategies for safely tackling this common issue.

Removing Orbeez from the Chamber

If you notice Orbeez beads lodged in the chamber, gentle shaking motions or a tool can help dislodge them. Take care not to exert excessive force, as this could worsen the situation. Patience is key, allowing the beads to come loose gradually.

Checking for Obstructions in the Barrel

If the jam extends into the barrel, it’s essential to clear any obstructions to restore proper functionality. Utilise a cleaning rod or a slender implement to carefully probe the barrel for foreign objects or debris. Thoroughly clearing the barrel ensures unimpeded airflow for smooth operation.

Remember, taking your time and being gentle is crucial to avoid causing any damage to the Orbeez gun. With patience and precision, you can effectively clear the jam and get back to enjoying your Orbeez gun without interruption.

Cleaning and Maintenance Tips

Maintaining the peak performance of your Orbeez gun is essential for uninterrupted fun and excitement. In addition to knowing how to fix a jammed Orbeez gun, proper cleaning and maintenance play a crucial role in ensuring its longevity and reliability. By incorporating these simple yet effective tips into your routine, you can keep your Orbeez gun in optimal condition for endless hours of enjoyment.

Also Read: How to Freeze Orbeez for Gun

Regular Cleaning

After each use, make it a habit to clean your Orbeez gun thoroughly. Wipe down the exterior surfaces with a damp cloth to remove any dirt or residue buildup.

Barrel Maintenance

Clean the barrel of your Orbeez gun regularly to ensure smooth operation. Use a cleaning rod or a slender implement to remove any debris or accumulated Orbeez beads that may be obstructing the passage.

Internal Components

Periodically disassemble your Orbeez gun (following manufacturer instructions) to clean the internal components. Remove any dirt or debris that may have accumulated inside and ensure all moving parts are free from obstruction.


Apply a small amount of lubricant to the moving parts of your Orbeez gun to keep them functioning smoothly. Be sure to use a lubricant that is safe for use with plastic toys and follow manufacturer recommendations.


Store your Orbeez gun in a clean, dry environment when not in use. Avoid exposing it to extreme temperatures or humidity, as this can affect its performance and longevity.

Inspect for Damage

Regularly inspect your Orbeez gun for any signs of damage or wear. Replace any worn-out parts or components to prevent malfunctions and ensure safe operation.


Should persistent jamming issues persist despite diligent maintenance efforts, consider the following troubleshooting strategies:

  • Conduct a thorough inspection of the gun for signs of wear or damage, replacing any compromised components as needed.
  • Apply a lubricant to movable parts to facilitate smooth operation and minimise friction-induced jams.
  • In cases where resolution proves elusive, don’t hesitate to reach out to the manufacturer for assistance or seek the expertise of a qualified professional.


Mastering the skill of how to  fix a jammed Orbeez gun empowers enthusiasts and parents alike to reclaim the joy of playtime without interruption.

By adhering to the comprehensive steps outlined in this guide and embracing proactive maintenance practices, you can safeguard your Orbeez gun against malfunctions and enjoy countless hours of uninhibited fun. Remember, a little care and attention go a long way in preserving the magic of childhood play.


Gel blasters can jam due to various reasons, such as swollen or improperly sized gel balls, a dirty barrel, or a malfunctioning gearbox. Clear the barrel, use properly sized gel balls, and ensure the gearbox is functioning correctly to resolve jams.

Check the battery charge, make sure the gel balls are not damaged or too old, and inspect the gearbox for any issues. Inadequate power, faulty ammunition, or gearbox problems can cause firing issues.

Weak shots may be due to low battery power, worn-out or damaged internal components, or improperly sized gel balls. Ensure your battery is charged, inspect internal components, and use correct-sized gel balls for optimal performance.

It is not recommended to dry fire a gel blaster regularly as it may cause damage to the gearbox and other internal components. Dry firing without gel balls can lead to excessive wear and decrease the blaster's overall lifespan.

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